Friday, May 28, 2010


Hello friends and people I don't know. I'm not really sure what to write. Its just, frankly I haven't had much going on lately besides working and then working a little bit more after that. Its been rainy and cold every day making for anxious days awaiting summer and warmth on my skin. I feel like I'm trying to get my feet under me and have been since returning home from our big adventure. For some reason, I can't seem to keep up. Plus, I haven't really been running which is a bad thing because I think running does something to my psyche to create balance in my emotional state of mind.

In the last week or so, I've been alerted to the fact that my thank-goodness-this-will-save-me freelance gig is drying up due to some unfortunate business loss in the agency I'm working for - and I could be cut any day. On the flip side, I've also been out interviewing and some really amazing things could come of it. Just wait and see! Do you like how vague I'm being?

So life just feels a little in flux still. I'm not sure where I'm going to be working and I haven't even put any fun events on the calendar to look forward to for summer. This, my friends is most unlike me. I have a running list of things I'd like to DO though including camping near the North Cascades, maybe a girls' bike trip or camping trip to the coast, getting my bike geared up and ready to tackle a touring trip with Tyson and um, probably some other things too. I'll get there and surprisingly I'm pretty cool with just floating along and making the best of each day at the moment.

I wish I had more fun and interesting things to report and write about. I did however watch a recorded episode of the Bachelorette Premier last night and nearly died of laughter. That show is solid gold genius when you need something to blow your mind with stupidity and subsequently, non-stop laughter ensues. I will absolutely be tuning in every week until that final rose ceremony.

Ok. Hopefully that wasn't too painfully boring. Off to sip and relax at a friend's family cabin for the weekend. Happy Holiday. Hug.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Sooo... we might have to plan a bachelorette date. I, too, am addicted to the absurdity of it all. hilarious!