Friday, May 21, 2010

Big Love.

With less than two weeks in Seattle under our belt, Tyson and I managed to make our way to just outside of Bozeman, MT for a wedding. The couple: My dear friend Teresa was marrying her long-time love, Aaron, after an eight year courtship. Many were the jokes involving Aaron and how long he'd made Teresa wait, but truly, their wedding and more importantly their ceremony, was anything but funny. In fact, their ceremony was the most incredible I've ever witnessed. I would bet all of the money I have that there was not one dry eye in the house. Teresa and Aaron both wrote their own vows and just over one hundred of us sat in awe of their words. Both intelligently written and full of sincerity and love, I could not stop the tears a-flowin'! Congratulations, you two.

They married just outside of Bozeman at a little resort called Chico Hot Springs. Lucky for us this meant several things, one being our rooms were a stone's throw away from the party and therefore the FREE Sierra Nevada and cosmopolitans needn't be monitored.

It was also located just outside Yellowstone National Park. Following the wedding, Tyson and I, and our car mates, Dave and Wendy, headed over to Yellowstone to play amongst the crazy cool animals that just roam everywhere around you.

We saw:
Big-horned sheep
and groundhogs

The park is truly beautiful and the meaning Big Sky comes full circle when you stand and look around you. Montana has many things, including heaps of casinos and big trucks, but its the vistas, mountains and wide-open country that make it so special.

For me, it was also really cool to see the place my adorable Grandma Peg grew up. So often I've heard stories of her time in Montana and I know its a place very close to her heart. I felt closer to her just being there!

1 comment:

Erin said...

awww... beautiful. thanks for sharing these pictures lady! can't wait to see more of the big day! :)