Sunday, January 3, 2010

Burning the old. Ringing in the new.

We spent NYE with Tyson's college friends, Dave and Jen. A lovely couple and we always have such a good time together. There's nothing like ringing in the New Year saddled up to the Country Bar in Minneapolis for several hours and then walking around in below zero temperatures. Needless to say, we decided it would be jolly fun to swap jackets and hats. Hm.

My parents have a tradition of hosting a New Year's Day party at their farm. Said gathering has always boasted a massive bonfire that's grown year after year.

The local greenhouse graciously donates any not-purchased Christmas trees of which become fire fuel, as well as people tend to show up with heaps of things they're ready to rid themselves of and start the year off fresh. Burn it all!
My mom makes a vat of chili and if there is snow on the ground there are always snowmobiles ready to whisk someone off for a ride. Its a pretty great tradition really, and this year was no different. It was, however, five degrees below zero which is a crime if you ask me.

Happy New Year!
Resolutions for 2010 include:
Floss more.
Work out (of course).
Cook tons!
Get my bike ready for touring and subsequently, take a touring trip.
Get to Banff.
Start a new career - or well, do something different professionally.

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