Sunday, June 21, 2009


We met in the heartland, and now Doreen and I live across the country from one another. She is moving to a different apartment in New York and here's a little snippet from her mental stream of consciousness. Oh how I love when people make me laugh. Joy for the soul!

"We move in this Saturday. I'm one of those wierdos that actually
finds joy in moving. Some people shoot meth. I am chemically unable
to experience joy w/out rearranging furniture. But here it's an
entirely different story. A Home Depot run in Manhattan versus one
anywhere else in the world ... suicidal. I've been packing one box
at a time. Why? Because I wait for garbage day and steal them off
the sidewalk. I've been known to walk up to a mile for some decent
box and I also know that tonight at precisely 9pm ... Barnes & Noble
will put their empty boxes out back where I will snatch them under
the cloak of darkness. Yes. This is my life.

My meltdown is brewing but I'm trying to hold it together. Call me
call me call me. I'm going to get an endorphin boost at the gym.

Love you! Doe"

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