Thursday, February 24, 2011


So I totally copied the gal who writes for Cupcakes and Cashmere and we made homemade graham crackers the other day. I just say, SUPER FUN! And not that easy. Likely a beginner's problem as just like anything it gets easier the more you try something. But boy are they delicious. And when you tuck one in to side of bowl of vanilla ice cream you might as well surrender to the fact that you will have more than one. See her post as well as the link through to the recipe:

Now I want to host a dinner party with homemade marshmallows and graham cracker s'mores! Can you tell its winter and I'm amused by all things supported by the cooped up lifestyle? = cooking and looking at blogs and reading.

Speaking of blogs, a College of St. Ben's friend tipped me off to a freelance position for a Seattle-based blogger on Apartment Therapy's blog! Um, I'm totally going to go for it. Wish me luck.

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