Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I think the feeling of Fall being just around the corner has me prepping for the hibernation mindset. Projects. Daylight fading 'round 4:30pm. Rain. Part of me is bummed about summer coming to a close in just a few short weeks...but I'm also excited about snowboarding and evenings spent being cozy with a project.

Here's a sampling.
Shirt made this evening with Angie, Lisa and Bess:

Scarf being knit (while watching Entourage DVDs) with yarn purchased at the Alpaca farm mentioned in the post below:

American Apparel kids' sweats and hoodies embellished with chirping birds:

[want one?]


Unknown said...
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suzie sanborn said...

Yes, I'll take two! Gracie outgrew her chirping sweats from last winter.. Size 12-18 months for her please.. And I'll take another set in size 6-12 months for my cousin heather's new baby girl.. send me the bill. SO CUTE!