Monday, August 13, 2007

Gals pedaling

Five gals and five bikes journeyed south to Hood River Valley, Oregon on Friday afternoon. With no testosterone and plenty of good dynamics we put up our tent and headed into town for dinner + drinks. Microbrews. More Microbrews. Four tipsy ladies and a driver headed back to the tent...and opened up a bottle of wine. And a box of Goldfish crackers.

Saturday morning we mounted our bikes and headed out to tackle the Fruit Loop = A 35-mile, scenic ride through the valley's orchards, forests, farmlands (alpacas!), friendly communities and a great winery. Our first stop - Roger's Blueberries! Roger was a cutie grandpa and allowed us to "graze" the plants eating as many blueberries as we could fit in our bellies. After collecting some in a bucket, I weighed my pickings. one .lb for one dollar! Yum. From there we climbed many steep hills and flew down long, rolling roads stopping for fruit, wine, photos of Mount Hood and Mount Adams, and even to meet a brand new alpaca born just thirty minutes before we arrived! The whole ride was incredible. I loved meeting the farmers and seeing their ways of life. Very, very cool. I grew up on a farm but it certainly wasn't a fruit farm or an alpaca farm and it was nice to feel that lifestyle again even for just a few hours. Simplicity.

After "exchanging doubles" here's a small sampling of photos from all of our cameras. Great photos! Click here [Bess's flickr page]. Then click to view as slideshow.

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