Sunday, May 18, 2008

productively relaxing.

Somehow, I managed to cram millions of things into this weekend and yet it was still one of the most relaxing weekends I've had in a long time.

Friday night we skipped out of work at 4pm for margaritas courtesy of the boss man. Then dinner with my cousin who was in town from MN. Asleep by midnight.

Saturday a five mile run before 9am. Coffee and a few hours on my laptop writing a paper for class. Off to the beach for beers and scrabble in the 87 degree sunshine with friends. Birthday party for Syd in the evening. Asleep by 1am.

Today I was up and met with my group from class at 10am to build our project model of Rammed Earth. Lunch. Coached some 12 year-old volleyball gals. Tennis with Bess and J from 5:30 to 7. Cleaning and all laundry.

Here I am finally with a Mothership Wit in hand. Ready to veg in front of my television.

A great, great weekend.

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