Thursday, August 2, 2007


Mike and Michelle finally made it official after many years of friendship and love. I was absolutely thrilled to be in attendance and the whole weekend was one of the best weekends I've had in years. The Friday evening "official" ceremony couldn't have been more perfect. With no rehearsal, there were many stops and starts, nervous laughter and a heartfelt sense that it really represented what Mike and Michelle were about to experience in becoming parents = you can't plan for everything and sometimes you just need to roll with it! And they did.

Us girls. Our strong, witty, loving, and devoted group of CSB women was in full effect. Having not had all eight of us together in over a year, it felt even more special. Stories were told and retold*. Laughter rang to the rooftops. And many times I looked around the room so grateful to be a part of such an amazing crew of friends. We've experienced so much together in the last ten years and the love and support between all of us is constant. Cheers, ladies. Cheers, Mitch.

*[Kridi in Mexico with the moon shining on all her glory]

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